joi, 8 aprilie 2010
Totul revine la normal
joi, 1 aprilie 2010
Totul este bine!
miercuri, 31 martie 2010
Prima veste buna!!
vineri, 19 martie 2010
Conturi pentru donatii !
In Lei: RO31CARP013000676322RO01
In Euro:RO85CARP013000676322EU01
Conturile sunt pe numele Vasile Tiplea cu mentiunea donatie pentru Titu Anghel.
joi, 18 martie 2010
miercuri, 10 martie 2010
luni, 8 martie 2010
Cat de mult conteaza orice ajutor...
luni, 1 martie 2010
Conturi pentru donatii
Cont in Euro: RO74RNCB0180043705710001
BCR sucursala Baia de Aramă, Baia De Arama, Judetul Mehedinti , Strada Republicii nr. 25
Cont in Lei: RO14RNCB0318043705710001
BCR Floresti, Floresti, Judetul Cluj , Strada Avram Iancu nr. 276
Multumim de ajutor!
Donations are accepted via BCR:
Euro currency: RO74RNCB01800437057 10001 –
Address: BCR sucursala Baia de Aramă, Baia De Arama, Judetul Mehedinti , Strada Republicii nr. 25
Lei currency: RO14RNCB03180437057 10001 –
Address: BCR Floresti, Floresti, Judetul Cluj , Strada Avram Iancu nr. 276
vineri, 26 februarie 2010
Ce este acest AKH si cum ne salveaza? /What is AKH and how does it help people?
However, the post-transplant medicine is very expensive for the first 8 weeks and can reach 2000 euros/month for the rest of the patient's life. The cost for each admitted patient is about 960 euros/day.
Wait times at the clinic vary, but everything must be prepared and ready at a moment's notice. Human lungs degrade in about 4 hours. The surgery itself is not complicated, however the post-op treatment is very difficult and uses top class equipment unavailable in Romania.
It's good to feel sadness for your friends' misfortune, but better to come to their help- Voltaire
Cat conteaza unde te-ai nascut!
Desi romani mor pe capete in fiecare zi (multi dintre ei in accidente rutiere), criza organelor pentru efectuarea operatiilor de transplant este la fel de reala in plan national, cat si la nivel mondial. Peste 85% din transplanturile din Romania se fac de la donatori in viata, si de cele mai multe ori o ruda apropiata este cea care doneaza rinichiul sau o bucata de ficat bolnavului. Cand vine vorba de persoane decedate, dupa cum e cazul la transplantul de plamani, ca si la cel de cord, acceptul famililor mortului este obtinut de medici inca cu foarte mare greutate. La noi exista inca acordul informat si scris, adica familia trebuie sa semneze daca este de acord cu prelevarea de organe de la o ruda aflata in moarte cerebrala. In majoritatea tarilor din UE acordul este prezumat, adica persoana isi exprima din timpul vietii refuzul de a-si dona organele, in caz contrar acestea fiind prelevate pentru a salva alte vieti omenesti.
Pentru a duce munca de convingere este nevoie de specialisti. Doar trei coordonatori romani sunt certificati la nivel european pentru a discuta cu familiile potentialilor donatori. Nu mai departe de Ungaria sunt peste 40.
Daca am avea putin mai multa bunavointa...multi ar fi SALVATI!
miercuri, 24 februarie 2010
Aer pentru Titu / Oxygen for Titu
Nu-mi place sa fiu o leguma. N-am vrut sa stie nimeni pentru ca nu vreau sa fiu compatimit. Mie imi place sa ajut oamenii, nu vreau sa fiu eu ajutat" - Titu Anghel
I don't like being a vegetable. I didn't want people to know, afraid they might take pity on me. I've always wanted to help others, never be the one needing help.-Titu Anghel
Titu Anghel a absolvit Facultatea de Geografie din Cluj si pregateste un doctorat cu titlul "Strategii de reabilitare a reliefului antropic rezultat in urma exploatarilor miniere - studiu de caz, bazinul Motru". Spune ca din experienta lui din Italia a invatat ca toata activitatea noastra, indiferent de domenii, trebuie orientata spre solutii practice. El asta si-a propus sa faca cu viata sa. Si probabil, ca se va angaja intr-o multinationala tocmai pentru a face ceva nou, util si folositor...
Pe data de 03.05.2005 telefonul a sunat iar Titu a primit vestea cea mare, sansa la o noua viata i se acorda, mult asteptatul telefon de la Viena il anunta ca urma sa renasca, se gasise un donator compatibil.
si Doctor Marta Gabriel (foto dereapta)
AKH Viena
Titu together with Professor Doctor Walter Klepetki(left)and Doctor Marta Gabriel(right).
AKH Vienna
Asta fiind in urma cu 5 ani.... In data de 15.02.2010 aflanduse la un control in Viena Titu a primit socanta veste ca a pierdut peste 50% din functia pulmonara si are nevoie de un retransplant de plamani care costa 70.000 de euro
His friends found out one evening, watching local TV station Antena 1 Cluj.
News crews had found Titu in a hospital. He was studying for his final masters' exam. The news came as a shock even for close friends. Titu had found out three years before about his condition, a devastating illness, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). But he'd kept it a secret. He didn't know where to turn, didn't want to be looked at in a different light. "But I'm just like everyone else" he says, arms outstretched in a muted protest.
A silent fight
His sophomore year in college, during exams, Titu suffered the first blow. He'd been hiking with friends around Sighetul Marmatiei, amidst beautiful landscapes of north-western Romania. He felt weak, thought he'd caught a cold, at worst a virus....A few days later, Titu found out why he'd always get sick before everyone else, why he'd never been able to outrun his classmates. He found out destiny had dealt him a cruel hand. "I spent three weeks in a Bucharest hospital, they ran all the tests in the book..." he recalls. It was from the Internet, doctors were able to narrow the mysterious illness, which had been misdiagnosed by doctors around the country for 6 years. They told him the disease is advancing, a hard shell engulfing his lungs, suffocating him slowly.
Today, Titu Anghel has finished his masters and is preparing for a Ph.D. His doctoral thesis: "Strategies for restoring the man-made landscape brought about by mining excavations: Motru coal field, a case study." His experience in Italy has led him to believe all studies, regardless of area of interest, must focus on practical solutions to tangible problems. That's what he'd wanted to continue pursuing through life. And maybe working in a corporation, which would enable him to bring something, new, useful, practical to everyone else.
On March 5th, 2005 Titu received encouraging news. His chance at a new life, the chance to be reborn, a compatible donor.
This was 5 years ago...On February 15th, 2010 while at a routine checkup in Vienna, he got devastating news. His lung capacity had dropped 50%, he would need another lung transplant. It would cost 70.000 euros.