miercuri, 24 februarie 2010

Aer pentru Titu / Oxygen for Titu

Nu-mi place sa fiu o leguma. N-am vrut sa stie nimeni pentru ca nu vreau sa fiu compatimit. Mie imi place sa ajut oamenii, nu vreau sa fiu eu ajutat"
- Titu Anghel

I don't like being a vegetable. I didn't want people to know, afraid they might take pity on me. I've always wanted to help others, never be the one needing help.-Titu Anghel

LUPTA IN TACERE. In anul II de facultate, chiar in timpul sesiunii, Titu a suferit o adevarata criza. Fusese cu toti ceilalti colegi in muntii din jurul Sighetului Marmatiei. Era slabit, racit... Cateva zile mai tarziu, Titu a aflat de ce el era un copil care racea mult mai usor decat ceilalti baieti, de ce nu a putut niciodata sa alerge la fel de mult ca si colegii lui. A aflat ca destinul ii rezervase si lui un loc in ringul luptatorilor tacuti. "Am stat trei saptamani la Spitalul Filantropia din Bucuresti si am facut toate analizele posibile", povesteste el. De pe Internet au aflat medicii care este misterul pe care il ascunde trupul tanarului, dupa ce vreme de sase ani i s-au pus mai multe diagnostice, si nimeni nu stia ce se intampla. Asa a aflat si el. Si i s-a mai spus ca boala evolueaza. O membrana dura i se dezvolta incet pe plamani, imobilizandu-i, lasandu-l fara aer.

Titu Anghel a absolvit Facultatea de Geografie din Cluj si pregateste un doctorat cu titlul "Strategii de reabilitare a reliefului antropic rezultat in urma exploatarilor miniere - studiu de caz, bazinul Motru". Spune ca din experienta lui din Italia a invatat ca toata activitatea noastra, indiferent de domenii, trebuie orientata spre solutii practice. El asta si-a propus sa faca cu viata sa. Si probabil, ca se va angaja intr-o multinationala tocmai pentru a face ceva nou, util si folositor...

Pe data de 03.05.2005 telefonul a sunat iar Titu a primit vestea cea mare, sansa la o noua viata i se acorda, mult asteptatul telefon de la Viena il anunta ca urma sa renasca, se gasise un donator compatibil.
Titu impreuna cu Profesor Doctor Walter Klepetko(foto stanga)
si Doctor Marta Gabriel (foto dereapta)
AKH Viena

Titu together with Professor Doctor Walter Klepetki(left)and Doctor Marta Gabriel(right).

AKH Vienna

Asta fiind in urma cu 5 ani.... In data de 15.02.2010 aflanduse la un control in Viena Titu a primit socanta veste ca a pierdut peste 50% din functia pulmonara si are nevoie de un retransplant de plamani care costa 70.000 de euro

Titu Anghel had barely tasted life. Twenty-five years of age with a scholarship in Italy, he'd just started to understand the world we all live in. He'd finished a masters and signed up for a Ph.D. His hazel eyes had never learned dispair or sorrow. Meanwhile, the truth becomes so much harder to bear.

His friends found out one evening, watching local TV station Antena 1 Cluj.
News crews had found Titu in a hospital. He was studying for his final masters' exam. The news came as a shock even for close friends. Titu had found out three years before about his condition, a devastating illness, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). But he'd kept it a secret. He didn't know where to turn, didn't want to be looked at in a different light. "But I'm just like everyone else" he says, arms outstretched in a muted protest.

A silent fight

His sophomore year in college, during exams, Titu suffered the first blow. He'd been hiking with friends around Sighetul Marmatiei, amidst beautiful landscapes of north-western Romania. He felt weak, thought he'd caught a cold, at worst a virus....A few days later, Titu found out why he'd always get sick before everyone else, why he'd never been able to outrun his classmates. He found out destiny had dealt him a cruel hand. "I spent three weeks in a Bucharest hospital, they ran all the tests in the book..." he recalls. It was from the Internet, doctors were able to narrow the mysterious illness, which had been misdiagnosed by doctors around the country for 6 years. They told him the disease is advancing, a hard shell engulfing his lungs, suffocating him slowly.

Today, Titu Anghel has finished his masters and is preparing for a Ph.D. His doctoral thesis: "Strategies for restoring the man-made landscape brought about by mining excavations: Motru coal field, a case study." His experience in Italy has led him to believe all studies, regardless of area of interest, must focus on practical solutions to tangible problems. That's what he'd wanted to continue pursuing through life. And maybe working in a corporation, which would enable him to bring something, new, useful, practical to everyone else.

On March 5th, 2005 Titu received encouraging news. His chance at a new life, the chance to be reborn, a compatible donor.

This was 5 years ago...On February 15th, 2010 while at a routine checkup in Vienna, he got devastating news. His lung capacity had dropped 50%, he would need another lung transplant. It would cost 70.000 euros.

2 comentarii:

  1. Nenea Titu, deschidem un cont pentru eventualele donatii?

  2. zilele acestea voi publica si un numar de cont la care vor putea fi facute donatii.Multumim pentru ajutor!
